Update from Dialogkonferansen

We’ve just finished off three days in Strömstad that were filled with interesting meetings, lots of knowledge and new impressions. With 50 different lecturers from leading brands around the world, and Talking to me being one of them, we had the chance to learn about different business cases regarding marketing, innovation and creativity.

Talking to me were invited to Dialogkonferansen in Strömstad, which is the Nordics biggest conference within CRM, CX and Digital Marketing. We talked about the revolutionary changes that Voice contributes to and shared practical examples on how Voice technology can create real value for businesses. We touched points on interesting statistics, valuable business cases and gave tips on how you can drive your business with Voice.

On another note, we saw some interesting lectures – one being led by Jamie Anderson, a professor of strategy at Antwerp Management School. He promoted that the pre-condition of innovation equals creativity and discussed how we unlearn creativity when we grow up, something he wanted us to be aware of but also change. An interesting session that we definitely will keep in mind from now on. Missed our talk? No worries, Talking to me will be attending several conferences and events this fall. View the dates below!

12-13 sept:  Gather Festival – Stockholm

23 sept: Nets Day – Stockholm

25 sept: Webbdagarna – Göteborg